Find The Key To Solving Your Problem In The Lion's Gaze
“When you run after your thoughts, you are like a dog chasing a stick: every time a stick is thrown, you run after it. Instead, be like a...

The Shakubuku Effect: Do We All Just Need A Swift Spiritual Kick To The Head?
A homeless man sat at an outside table in front of McDonalds. Placed next to him were his only possessions in the world stuffed into a...

Credibility Is Essential To Persuasion. Here's How To Build Credibility In Two Easy Steps
Have you ever made a poor decision that haunted you for years after? I made such a decision in 2006; I bought a rental property. Yep, a...

Do This To Avoid Falling Victim To Hyponatremia
I received a frantic message from my friend Nick on Monday night. Apparently, he had been contacted by an old friend about an...

Do You Know You Got Ripped Off? They Are Betting You Didn't Even Notice
I had a rather long list of errands to run and one of my stops was the grocery store. One of the items we needed was peanut butter, which...

Using The Midas Touch To Get What You Want
It is true that empirically attractive people enjoy certain advantages in life. They are considered more competent and make more money...

If You Want To Persuade Someone, You Have To Do This First
In my last post, I discussed the powerful persuasion tactics of using compliments and complements. In essence, those techniques harness...

The Secret To Persuasion is Compliments and Complements
I nervously sat directly across from a tall bearded man wearing a sweater-vest and a blue and white striped tie. He was thumbing through...

Why We Feel Obliged To Reciprocate
My 14-year old son, Alex, is a budding filmmaker. It is his passion. This summer he is shooting the third installment of his Python movie...

Have You Stopped Beating Your Wife?
Years ago, I had dinner with a large group of friends at a trendy Italian restaurant downtown. We were all young professionals, single,...